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What’s meant by complete and complementary IT services

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) will each have a variety of solutions designed to improve the IT efficiency for the businesses they work with. Some may only offer one-off services and software, whilst others will offer fully managed packages.

Complete managed IT services

Complete managed IT services are designed for businesses that want the confidence of having an IT department available when they need it, but without the costly outlay of keeping them in-house.

By providing businesses with the software, hardware, and/or support it needs to operate efficiently, and having a dedicated team to solve issues and answer queries, business owners have more time to focus on achieving their objectives.

A good outsourced IT provider will get to know the businesses they’re working with in more detail. Understanding business objectives, the current set-up of IT infrastructure, and how employees use existing business software and systems, will allow outsourced IT providers to tailor solutions to the businesses they’re working with. This ensures the IT strategies put in place will improve the use of technology in the business to develop processes, increase efficiency, and enhance data security.

Some MSPs will also offer onsite visits if an issue can’t be explained or resolved over the phone or via email. By outsourcing an IT department to experts that have experience solving an array of IT challenges, downtime and business disruption is going to be reduced substantially.

Complementary IT services

Complementary IT services refer to software, hardware, or ad hoc services that are purchased on a one-off basis. Rather than having fully managed IT operations outsourced to a provider, sometimes businesses will simply need support, hardware, or to purchase licencing when required.

Complementary IT services also include holiday/absence cover, independent IT audits, and help with individual IT projects. In many cases, an outsourced IT team can work alongside an existing in-house IT department to relieve workloads, work on projects together, or offer specialist advice. This allows businesses to get extra help when they need it, but without the costs of hiring an external IT provider for full-time support.

There are several ways in which an outsourced IT provider can help businesses looking for a little extra help, or a fully managed IT operation. A good IT company will get to know your business in more detail and offer an IT audit to understand your business requirements, whether you want a complete or complementary service.

Having a solid IT strategy in place is fundamental for ensuring that your business is operating as efficiently and securely as possible. For any help and advice regarding the complete and complementary services available to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Techsol Group.

Our team has a wealth of knowledge and experience providing expert IT advice. For any queries, call us on 03300 245447 or email us using and we’ll be more than happy to help.

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