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Inventory Planner

Inventory Planner

Eliminate guesswork with data-led inventory planning

Mastering Inventory
Efficiency with Inventory
Planner by Sage

In today’s economic climate, many retailers are facing increasing costs – making it more important than ever to utilise technology for efficient and optimised operations. With advanced scenario planning and optimisation features, Inventory Planner by Sage emerges as an intelligent inventory management tool, empowering businesses to save time, adapt to market changes, and maximise profit.

What are the benefits of inventory planning software

Powerful forecasting


Eliminate guesswork with Inventory Planner’s data-led forecasting and insights. Effortlessly anticipate future demand, optimise stock levels, and make informed decisions for a forward-thinking approach to your business.
Avoid overstocks stockouts

Avoid overstocks
& stockouts

Manage your stock more efficiently with Inventory Planner. Demand forecasting, comprehensive transaction visibility, and AI powered replenishment recommendations help you avoid overstocks and stockouts.
Automated inventory planning

Automated inventory

Streamline your procurement process with automated inventory purchasing. Get recommendations for items that need replenishment in line with supplier lead times and customer demand and create automatic purchase orders for these products.
Robust KPI's and reporting

Robust KPI’s
and reporting

Gain visibility over your inventory with dashboards. View and track key metrics relating to sales, stock, replenishment, forecasts, and overstock at both individual and combined levels, with the ability to drill down to see detailed transactions.

Forecasting Accuracy: The Core of Inventory Planner

Accurate forecasting is pivotal in effective inventory management, guiding businesses to optimise stock levels, reduce costs, and meet customer demand with precision.

Powerful forecasting capabilities are at the core of Inventory Planner, revealing which inventory to order, how much to order, and the best time to order it, based on historical sales and demand analysis and accurate calculations of your projected sales. This helps you avoid overstocks and stockouts, increasing profitability and customer satisfaction whilst minimising holding costs. Manage seasonal demand by increasing inventory for peak seasons and scaling back during off-peak periods.

Inventory Planner’s valuable insights into changing demand patterns and trends empower you to navigate market fluctuations with confidence and make informed, data-driven business decisions about inventory, pricing, and marketing strategies.

How Inventory Planner Boosts Stock Efficiency and Reduces Costs

Revolutionise your inventory management experience with Inventory Planner. Say goodbye to the inefficiencies of manual processes, complicated spreadsheets, and siloed information that often lead to significant time and financial losses.

With Inventory Planner, you can improve stock efficiency by leveraging precise demand forecasting and automated replenishment features. The software’s advanced forecasting eliminates guesswork by providing recommendations on what inventory to order, the optimal order quantity, and the ideal timing to prevent overstocks and stockouts. Dashboards help you maintain full visibility over your inventory levels and automated reordering streamlines the stock replenishment process. Receive insightful recommendations for necessary product purchases based on demand, including optimal order quantity, date, and potential revenue loss if the order is not placed.

Eliminate excess inventory and holding costs with precise demand forecasting. Embrace the power of optimised stock levels and automated replenishment to unlock cost savings through reduced holding costs, efficient inventory turnover, and streamlined production processes.

Make data-driven decisions

Make confident business decisions using up-to-date real-time analytics. With a variety of information at your fingertips, easily filter through the data to identify key trends, saving time and simplifying decision making.

The Benefits of Implementing Sage Inventory Planner
in Your Business

Unlock the full potential of your business with the comprehensive benefits offered by Sage Inventory Planner. Utilise its data-led insights and automation to reduce the mental load associated with manual inventory management, allowing you to focus your time and resources on strategic activities.

Maximise profits through optimised stock levels and streamlined processes tailored to your specific business requirements. Foster seamless collaboration across departments — such as purchasing, sales, and finance —ensuring alignment for enhanced efficiency.

Seamlessly integrate Inventory Planner with your existing ERP system, sales channels, and other relevant software to establish a unified operational ecosystem.

Leverage the robust dashboards and reporting features within Inventory Planner to regularly review performance metrics, forecasts, and trends, enabling you to make informed decisions and continually optimise your inventory management strategy. With Sage Inventory Planner, empower your business for success in every aspect of inventory management.

Implementing Sage Inventory Planner is a strategic move towards efficient inventory management.

By embracing this cutting-edge solution, businesses can not only streamline operations and adapt to market changes but also maximise profits. From eliminating guesswork with data-led forecasting to automating procurement processes and gaining comprehensive visibility through dashboards, Sage Inventory Planner is your partner in elevating efficiency and reducing costs.

Unleash the full potential of your business with Inventory Planner by Sage—a transformative tool that empowers your business to thrive.

Partnering with Sage for over 20 years, Techsol Group brings unparalleled expertise, enabling you to navigate the ever-evolving inventory management landscape with confidence and success.


Predict what your customers will buy
Anticipate your customers’ needs with precision, leveraging historical sales data. Advanced forecasting empowers you to stay ahead of demand trends, enabling you to optimise stock levels and minimise overstocks and shortages.
Inventory Planner analyses demand patterns, supplier lead times, and market dynamics to provide data-driven recommendations about your customers’ purchasing habits, enabling you to meet demand.


Know how much inventory to buy and when
Eliminate procurement guesswork with intelligent purchasing features. Know exactly how much inventory to buy and the optimal time to restock. Streamline your purchasing process, minimise excess stock, and drive profitability.
With real-time insights and data-driven recommendations, gain visibility over which stock to purchase and the optimal time to purchase it, ensuring that your inventory is always aligned with customer expectations.


Versatile reporting features
Empower your decision-making with comprehensive reporting features. Gain a comprehensive view of your inventory performance through reports that cater to your unique business needs. Track key metrics, monitor sales trends, and assess the efficiency of your supply chain effortlessly.
Whether you need high-level summaries or in-depth analyses, Inventory Planner’s reporting provides actionable insights, giving you the tools to make informed decisions and drive your business forward.


Predict what your customers will buy
Anticipate your customers’ needs with precision, leveraging historical sales data. Advanced forecasting empowers you to stay ahead of demand trends, enabling you to optimise stock levels and minimise overstocks and shortages.
Inventory Planner analyses demand patterns, supplier lead times, and market dynamics to provide data-driven recommendations about your customers’ purchasing habits, enabling you to meet demand.


Know how much inventory to buy and when
Eliminate procurement guesswork with intelligent purchasing features. Know exactly how much inventory to buy and the optimal time to restock. Streamline your purchasing process, minimise excess stock, and drive profitability.
With real-time insights and data-driven recommendations, gain visibility over which stock to purchase and the optimal time to purchase it, ensuring that your inventory is always aligned with customer expectations.


Versatile reporting features
Empower your decision-making with comprehensive reporting features. Gain a comprehensive view of your inventory performance through reports that cater to your unique business needs. Track key metrics, monitor sales trends, and assess the efficiency of your supply chain effortlessly.
Whether you need high-level summaries or in-depth analyses, Inventory Planner’s reporting provides actionable insights, giving you the tools to make informed decisions and drive your business forward.

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