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Opera 3 Core Modules

Opera 3 Core Modules

Designed for businesses

Opera 3
Core Modules

We know that every business is unique and has their own goals and challenges, Opera 3 SQL SE is designed to be easily customised to fit your individual business requirements.

Opera 3 SQL SE allows you to choose the functionality that you require, giving you greater control and flexibility to suit your business needs and the option to add further functionality down the line as your business grows.


Ensure you know the financial position of your business at any time.

To manage a business successfully and profitably, it is essential to have access to real-time, accurate, financial information to support decision making.

Opera 3 SQL SE enables businesses to continually track both their revenue and costs to provide immediate visibility of cash flow, as well as offering in-depth financial reporting that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Excel, giving your business the tools it needs to make informed decisions quickly and help your business grow.

Key Functionality

  • Sales Ledger
  • Purchase Ledger
  • Credit Management
  • EC VAT
  • Multi-Currency
  • VAT 100 Online Filing
  • Cashbook
  • Nominal Ledger


Payroll, pensions and compliance all in one place.

Opera 3 Payroll is an award-winning Payroll and HR module that has HMRC PAYE and RTI recognition capability and provides for the submission of RTI (Real Time Information) and auto enrolment of pensions.

Opera 3 Payroll offers fully automated procedures to help take the stress out of processing payroll all while supporting your business to comply with complex tax, pension and employment legislation.

Key Functionality

  • HMRC PAYE Recognition
  • Submit HMRC RTI (Real Time Information)
  • Create unlimited companies with unlimited employees
  • Links to Opera 3 SQL SE Nominal Ledger and Cash Book modules or can be used stand-alone
  • Multi-user capability with Company and Group password control for menu level access restriction
  • Maintain weekly, fortnightly, four weekly and monthly paid employees within one company

Supply Chain Management

Manage every aspect of your supply chain.

Opera 3 SQL SE gives your business the power to improve your customer satisfaction by being able to quickly and efficiently respond to customer demands.

By integrating your sales orders, purchasing and stock with the relevant financial information and automating the delivery of your customers’ orders, Opera 3 SQL SE can help to increase levels of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Key Functionality

  • Sales Order Processing
  • Stock Control
  • Purchase Order Processing

Bill of Materials

Fast and accurate manufacturing information processing.

Opera 3 SQL SE Bill of Materials provides businesses with fast and accurate manufacturing information, including work in progress, assembly structure detail, batch and serial item location and assembly cost reports.

The Opera 3 SQL SE Bill of Materials modules features automatic works order generation from sales orders or re-order levels, batch works order progression and a comprehensive enquiry facility. Assembly structures can be as simple or as complex as you require, including sub-assemblies and components such as raw materials, labour or description only.

Further flexibility is supplied by the Kitting function, which allows works orders to be raised and the build quantity of the finished assembly to be moved into stock in a single posting.

Key Functionality

  • Work in Progress
  • Serial/Batch Item Locations
  • Assembly Structure Detail
  • Works Orders Generation
  • Assembly Costs Reports
  • Kitting Function

Business Intelligence

Award -winning advanced intelligent reporting.

Many businesses struggle with exporting information from their accounting solutions in order to produce financial reports. Opera 3 SQL SE award-winning business intelligence module’s dynamic dashboard revolutionises the way you view the financial information that you need.

Use the familiar interface of Microsoft Excel to easily access the information held within Opera 3 SQL SE, to analyse, manipulate and report on your data. Any reports that you create can be saved for future use and will refresh at the click of a button to provide the most up-to-date information.

Use headers, details, subtotals and footer sections, so you can apply Microsoft Excel’s diverse range of report styles, formats and printing options to your reports. Create reports with macros and data lookups, so there is no more copying and pasting, re-keying or laboriously working out formulas with Pegasus XRL.

Key Functionality

  • Multiple Opera 3 SQL SE database tables can be integrated onto a single Excel worksheet
  • Cube Analysis for multi-dimensional reporting
  • Dynamic write-back facility for Nominal budgets, price lists and stock adjustments
  • Progressive drilldown from Excel to the live underlying Opera 3 transactions
  • Access to data is controlled by Opera 3 SQL Security settings

Credit Control

Reduce customer debts and improve your cash flow.

Keeping on top of customer debts is a challenge that all businesses face and knowing which customers owe you money and when they will pay is key to managing your cash flow. The Opera 3 SQL SE credit control module is designed to streamline your credit control processes, reduce bad debts, increase cash flow, and help improve the overall financial position of your business.

With a series of key dashboard views, the Opera 3 SQL SE credit control module makes it a one-stop shop for all your credit control needs. View your overall company turnover, aged invoices and total invoice debt and drill down to the detail behind each transaction.

The credit control module allows businesses to pinpoint which customers owe what, which customers owe the most and analyse financial ratios such as average debtor and creditor days and promised payments. These key credit control tools allow your business to remain proactive in reducing customer debts.

Key Functionality

  • Easy to understand dashboard views of the overall financial position of your company and customers
  • Keep on top of actions with diary views
  • Drill down of financial information and customer accounts
  • Powerful filters to manage customers that are over their credit limit
  • Record and revise promised payments against individual transactions or at account level
  • Place accounts ‘on’ or ‘off’ Stop
  • Increase or decrease credit limits
  • Dispute invoices and record appropriate reason codes
  • Print statements, copy invoices and produce advanced debtor letters

Project Accounting

Track job costs and revenues against budgets.

When managing projects, keeping costs on budget can be a challenge for any business. Opera 3 SQL SE Project Accounting module helps businesses track job costs and revenues against budgets, and break down costs against categories including Labour, Contractor, Direct Expense, Stock and Interim Billing.

With Project Accounting group jobs costs under contract headings or post against optional phases, to easily stay in control of the total project budget. Save admin time and streamline your processes by transferring timesheets raised for work on jobs directly into Payroll to update employee records.

Key Functionality

  • Track job costs against revenues and budgets
  • Group jobs under contract headings
  • Transfer timesheets for work on jobs directly to Pegasus Payroll

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