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Pegasus Development

Pegasus Development

Expert Advice and Guidance – From Start to Finish


Every business has their own unique requirements and challenges, which is why Opera 3 SQL SE modules are flexible and scalable. Some businesses find that a ‘one size does not fit all’ and while a solution can tick many boxes, they don’t exactly fit your exact requirements. This can be due to unique or complex business processes, industry specific requirements or a unique functionality that a business requires.

Opera 3 can be tailored to meet your exact requirements. Development and customisation can range from fully bespoke additional modules, to customised forms and reports, to simple additional fields.

Our Process

Our team ensures that any business risk in implementing processes or modules is mitigated as far as possible though detailed testing and clear sign off procedures. This iterative and modular approach allows for projects to be implemented around your current workloads without the need for disruption to your operations.

To achieve this, we pride ourselves on working in open partnership with our customers, arranging scoping meetings and documenting the work required, to ensure that we are understanding your needs and to provide transparency throughout the project. We work with you to ensure process mapping is accurate and efficient and to ensure that the final solution delivers the results that you expect, before any modifications or changes are deployed on your live system.

Switching Pegasus Business Partners is easy...

Techsol Group have been Pegasus Business Partners for over 25 years and have been awarded a Pegasus Centre of Excellence Award. All our support team are fully Pegasus Software accredited so we can provide you with first-class Pegasus Software support.

It is free of charge to switch business partners, all that changes are who your Pegasus Software annual licence is managed by and who provides your support. To switch Pegasus Business Partners all you need to do is drop an email to Pegasus Software to let them know you want to switch, we will do the rest of the work for you.

Opera 3 SQL SE

Whether your business is in manufacturing, retail, wholesale, distribution, transport, service or education through to construction, engineering, charitable or any other area, Opera 3 SE provides the tools you need to improve the way everyone in your organisation works. Offering unbeatable inter-departmental integration and knowledge sharing, Opera 3 SE can give everyone in your company a unified view of the business.

Industries we serve

Experts in digital transformation, we work closely with you to plan, prepare, and implement integrated technologies to revolutionise the way you work.

Industry Insights

Sage Intacct vs QuickBooks: Which Accounting Software Suits Your Business?

Facing pressure to do more with less, many businesses are seeking solutions that streamline operations, enhance workflows, and save time.

ISO 27001 VS Cyber Essentials | Navigating Your Information Security Path

This article will compare and contrast ISO 27001, an international standard for information security management, with Cyber Essentials

Customising Sage 200 Professional

Facing pressure to do more with less, many businesses are seeking solutions that streamline operations, enhance workflows, and save time.

What is the Microsoft Power Platform?

Microsoft’s Power Platform stands out as a powerful suite of tools designed to enable businesses to innovate and solve business challenges with ease

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