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Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Reduce the risk of hackers entering your business systems with advanced security.


One small business in the UK is successfully hacked every 19 seconds (CSO, 2020). Keeping your business data and IT systems safe can be an intricate task. Techsol Group have the expert knowledge, experience and solutions to help you navigate your business security so you can operate with a comprehensive defence in place.

With more people working remotely, business systems are becoming increasingly disparate, making it easier for hackers to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your IT systems.

For businesses who opt for ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD) to help with employees working more flexibly, unsecure networks can lead to devastating impacts on your business.

Protecting your IT networks and data storage reduces the risk of hackers and cyber criminals accessing your critical business data.

Our Cyber Security Solutions

Our cyber security solutions offer an alerting system to let our technical team know if your IT security isn’t working effectively or if an update has failed so that we can take action. This allows our team to target the issue as soon as possible before it escalates

Build your IT defences

There is no single solution that can completely protect your business. This is why Techsol Group have a suite of security controls available, to help your business build its line of defence against cyber crime.

From physically securing equipment to helping your employees recognise threats and to be more security aware, Techsol Group are here to support your business.

Having good internal awareness, strong IT security practices, and regular cyber security training for employees is another line of defence against cybercrime for your business. Download our whitepaper below on Cyber Security Best Practices to help your business stay safe online.

If you struggle with the internal technical knowledge to implement these best practices, Techsol Group can offer practical advice, support and guidance on how to protect your business.

Next gen firewalls

Our next gen firewall solutions provide advanced protection, identifying and responding to all types of modern-day attacks.

Featuring Lateral Movement Protection to isolate compromised systems, our next gen firewall solution is purpose-built to deal with the most demanding workloads.

An advanced firewall that adapts to your own network will offer the features and versatility you need to keep your systems and devices safe from any potential cyber threats.

Device control

Device control is needed for businesses to keep both company and personal devices protected against malicious cyber threats.

Providing thorough protection from malware threats, our device control software delivers sophisticated security solutions, not matter whether your team is working remotely or from the office.

For businesses that allow employees to ‘bring your own device’ (BYOD), access to company data can still be controlled centrally, and wiped from personal devices if necessary.

Cyber essentials

We can help your business meet the requirements of the Cyber Essentials certification, accrediting your organisation’s commitment to cyber security.

From implementing password policies to keeping your software up-to-date, we can help your business achieve the Cyber Essentials accreditation.

If your business isn’t sure whether it meets every measure, we can advise and implement any changes needed.

What our customers say...

Email security

Email threats and phishing attempts have grown more sophisticated in recent years, making it difficult for employees to tell if an email is genuine or not.

At Techsol Group, our secure email solution gives businesses that extra layer of protection, stopping ransomware attempts and stealthy attacks that other security software can often miss.

Advanced email security significantly helps to protect the business against phishing attempts. Training employees to understand what to look out for with phishing emails will help keep them vigilant, and offer that extra layer of protection.

Backup & recovery

With more and more businesses being affected by cyber attacks, implementing a quality backup & recovery solution is key to ensuring your business can bounce back quickly should the worst happen.

Our continuity, backup, and recovery solutions do not only offer value for money, but they are also quick to implement and offer peace of mind that your business won’t be paralysed if an attack were to happen.

Industries we serve

Experts in digital transformation, we work closely with you to plan, prepare, and implement integrated technologies to revolutionise the way you work.

Cyber Security Common Questions

What is cyber security as a service (CSaaS)?

Cybersecurity as a service refers to outsourcing cybersecurity functions to a third-party provider. It allows organisations to access security solutions, expertise, and tools on a subscription basis without the need for extensive in-house resources.

What services are typically offered in a cyber-security-as-a-service model?

Techsol Group offers a range of services, including threat detection and response, security monitoring, vulnerability management, security assessments, incident response, and consulting on security strategy.

What are the benefits of using cyber security as a service?

CSaaS provides access to specialised expertise, reduces the burden on internal IT teams, offers scalability, keeps security measures up to date, and can be more cost-effective than building and maintaining an in-house security infrastructure.

Is cyber security as a service suitable for small businesses?

CSaaS can be particularly beneficial for small businesses that may lack the resources to build and manage a comprehensive cybersecurity program. It allows them to leverage advanced security measures without the high upfront costs.

How does cyber security as a service differ from traditional cyber security solutions?

CSaaS is a subscription-based model that offers a range of cybersecurity services bundled together, often with cloud-based tools and real-time monitoring. Traditional cybersecurity solutions might involve purchasing and deploying individual software or hardware products.

Is my data safe if it's managed by a third-party CSaaS provider?

Security of data depends on the reputation and capabilities of the CSaaS provider. Techsol Group has a strong track record in data protection and compliance and our service-level agreements (SLAs) clearly define our data security measures.

What kind of reporting and insights can I expect from a CSaaS provider?

Techsol Group offers regular reports and insights about your organisation’s security, including information about detected threats, vulnerabilities, and overall security performance.

Is CSaaS suitable for organisations in highly regulated industries, such as healthcare or finance?

Yes, CSaaS can be suitable for regulated industries, and is quickly becoming a necessity and industry requirement for others. Techsol Group can advise and guide you on CSaaS to help your organisation meet regulatory requirements.

What is the cost structure of CSaaS?

CSaaS costs vary depending on, the scope of services, and the level of customisation. Costs are typically subscription-based and may be influenced by factors such as the number of users, devices, and the complexity of your IT environment.

Cyber Security Industry Insights

ISO 27001 VS Cyber Essentials | Navigating Your Information Security Path

This article will compare and contrast ISO 27001, an international standard for information security management, with Cyber Essentials

Deciphering Cyber Essentials | Choosing Between Essentials and Plus Certifications

Technology serves as the backbone of nearly every business operation. From communication to data management, the reliance on IT infrastructure is undeniable.

Common IT Challenges for Growing Businesses

Technology serves as the backbone of nearly every business operation. From communication to data management, the reliance on IT infrastructure is undeniable.

Managed IT Services FAQs

Maintaining an in-house IT department can be a challenging and costly task. This is where outsourcing IT support shines as a strategic choice.