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Disaster recovery

Disaster recovery

Cost-effective, fully-managed data backup and recovery services providing businesses with peace of mind.


59% of medium-sized businesses suffered a cyber security attack in the last 12 months (

At Techsol Group, we provide cost-effective, fully managed data backup and recovery services tailored to your business needs. Should the worst happen, we get our customers back up and running in minutes, not days.

Backup & recovery benefits

At Techsol Group, our backup and recovery solutions have been curated to ensure businesses can recover essential systems and documents quickly and easily. By scheduling regular backups that capture everything, our solutions minimise downtime and offer greater peace of mind to keep businesses running efficiently, even through unforeseen circumstances.


Our solution captures everything, so you don’t risk losing irreplaceable data, or your operating system no matter where it’s located.


We can recover a file or a folder or restore a whole system in hours not days, to keep downtime at a minimum.


We run backups regularly, even while people work (they won’t even notice), and you’ll never risk losing more than a few minutes of data.

Peace of

Peace of mind for when the unthinkable happens. Protecting and restoring your data has never been so simple.

How safe is your business data?

With the average cost of a cyber security breach rising to £8,460 it’s more important than ever to have a plan in place for potential disasters. From rogue ransomware emails infiltrating your systems, to weak passwords or disgruntled employees, it’s vital to protect your business data.

We offer comprehensive backup and recovery solutions for a manageable monthly cost. Get peace of mind that your IT partner can have your business up and running quickly, and with minimal downtime.

It won't happen to me!

With only 35% of business deploying security monitoring tools, 65% of businesses are left vulnerable to cyber attacks (, 2021).

Cyber attacks aren’t the only data threat businesses face, human error and natural disasters such as fires or floods, can also cause a significant impact on business data.

Every minute lost in recovery time is a loss of income and productivity. With the help of our fully certified technicians, Techsol Group can minimise your recovery time.

How quickly can your business recover?

With cost-effective, fast to implement, and comprehensive backup and recovery solutions, your business can get back up and running in hours rather than days.

Rest assured your business data is safe in the event of any data breach or disaster. Offering spot checks, automated backups, and other tailored solutions, we have the products and services to suit a variety of needs and budgets.

Running quietly in the background, your business can operate smoothly with minimal interruptions and minimal effect on productivity.

What our customers say...

Cloud, on-premise, or hybrid – we’ve got you covered

Cloud solutions offer businesses greater flexibility for systems and information to be accessed anywhere and at any time. Whereas on-premise solutions are more traditional and involve having physical servers.

Businesses can also opt for having a hybrid of the two, if they want some data freely available to employees and other information only accessible while in the office.

No matter which option you choose, we can keep your company data secure, should the worst happen.

Continuity, not complacency

Not having a disaster recovery plan can cause a damaging effect on your business, as can continuing with a backup solution that no longer meets business needs.

Without a backup and recovery plan that’s tailored for your business, there’s a chance your business may never recover from a cyber attack or critical event.

Our solutions are reliable, cost-effective, and simple to implement. We do the hard work for you.

Industries we serve

Experts in digital transformation, we work closely with you to plan, prepare, and implement integrated technologies to revolutionise the way you work.

Disaster Recovery Common Questions

What is data backup?

Data backup involves making copies of your digital data (files, databases, configurations, etc.) and storing them in a separate location or medium to ensure that data can be recovered in case of data loss or corruption.

Why is data backup important?

Data backup is crucial because it helps protect against data loss due to various factors such as hardware failures, cyber attacks (like ransomware), accidental deletion, and natural disasters. It ensures business continuity and data integrity.

What should I back up?

Back up all critical data, including documents, databases, emails, system configurations, and any other data that is essential for your organisation’s operations and compliance.

How often should I back up my data?

The frequency of backups depends on your organisation’s needs and the rate of data change. Generally, daily or incremental backups are common for frequently changing data, while less dynamic data may be backed up less frequently.

What is the difference between full, incremental, and differential backups?

Full backups copy all selected data every time, incremental backups copy only changed data since the last backup, and differential backups copy all changes since the last full backup.

Where should I store my backups?

Backups should be stored in secure locations, both on-site and off-site. Cloud storage solutions should also be considered for added redundancy and accessibility.

What is disaster recovery?

Disaster recovery is a comprehensive plan for restoring data, systems, and operations after a catastrophic event, such as a natural disaster, cyber attack, or major hardware failure.

Do I need a disaster recovery plan if I have regular backups?

Yes, regular backups are just one component of disaster recovery. A disaster recovery plan includes not only data recovery but also a strategy for resuming business operations and mitigating damage during a disaster.

How do I test my backup and recovery procedures?

Regularly conduct simulated disaster recovery tests to ensure that backups can be successfully restored. Test different scenarios to identify weaknesses in your recovery plan.

What should I consider when choosing backup and recovery software or services?

Consider factors like scalability, compatibility with your systems, security features, ease of use and cost. However if this is something that you feel is outside your technical capability, you can outsource to a managed service provider, such as Techsol Group who will be technical experts in this field.

What is the cost associated with backup and recovery solutions?

Costs can vary widely based on the chosen solution, storage capacity, and service level agreements. It’s important to budget for hardware, software, cloud storage to manage backups.

How can I create a backup and recovery plan for my organisation?

Start by assessing your business needs, identifying critical data and systems, setting RTO (Recovery Time Objective) and RPO (Recovery Point Objective) targets, and then designing a backup and recovery strategy that aligns with these objectives.

Creating a backup and recovery plan can seem quite overwhelming to businesses that do not have an internal IT resource. By outsourcing to a Managed Services Provider such as Techsol Group, we can do the hard work for you, creating a plan that is tailored to your business and recommending a suitable solution for your business.

Disaster Recovery Industry Insights

ISO 27001 VS Cyber Essentials | Navigating Your Information Security Path

This article will compare and contrast ISO 27001, an international standard for information security management, with Cyber Essentials

Deciphering Cyber Essentials | Choosing Between Essentials and Plus Certifications

Technology serves as the backbone of nearly every business operation. From communication to data management, the reliance on IT infrastructure is undeniable.

Common IT Challenges for Growing Businesses

Technology serves as the backbone of nearly every business operation. From communication to data management, the reliance on IT infrastructure is undeniable.

Managed IT Services FAQs

Maintaining an in-house IT department can be a challenging and costly task. This is where outsourcing IT support shines as a strategic choice.