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Microsoft SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint

Create a unified digital workplace experience

Unlock seamless collaboration and
communication with SharePoint

We understand the importance of effective communication, seamless collaboration, and secure file sharing in driving your business forward. That’s why we’ve tailored our services to harness the power of Microsoft SharePoint, a comprehensive solution that empowers your team to connect, communicate, and collaborate.

SharePoint is Microsoft’s intelligent information management and intranet platform and a cornerstone of the Microsoft collaboration toolset. Integrated with Microsoft 365, SharePoint enables you to create websites, manage content, share information, and collaborate seamlessly across teams. By acting as a central hub for services such as Teams, Viva Engage, Viva Connections, Stream, and more, it creates a unified digital workplace experience.

Why choose SharePoint for your business?


Facilitate real-time communication across your organisation, breaking down silos and fostering connectivity.


Empower your team to collaborate effortlessly on projects, documents, and tasks, wherever they are. Co-author documents in real-time, conduct virtual meetings, and stay connected on the go.


Engage and involve your team with SharePoint’s interactive features. Encourage idea-sharing and recognise achievements, driving productivity and morale.

file sharing

Protect your sensitive data and ensure your data is GDPR compliant with SharePoint’s robust security features. From encrypted communication channels to access controls, rest assured that your files are secure.

Transform your business today

Don’t let outdated communication tools hold your business back. Get in touch with us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more connected, collaborative, and efficient workplace.

Our SharePoint services

Intranet design & implementation: From initial setup to customisation and integration, we’ll guide you through every step of the intranet design and implementation process, ensuring a seamless transition for your team. Our experts will work closely with you to tailor SharePoint to your specific business needs.

Training and support: Get the most out of SharePoint with our training and ongoing support services.

Process automation: We can help you optimise your operations by streamlining and automating key processes, such as expenditure approvals, document reviews, publishing validations, as well as other workflows.

SharePoint migration: If your business is still reliant on legacy file servers or juggling multiple cloud storage platforms, we can guide you through the transition to SharePoint and help consolidate your data under one unified platform.

Document management strategy and meta data design: We can help you develop a robust document management strategy and meta data design tailored to your needs, helping you classify, organise, and retrieve documents more effectively.

Industries we serve

Experts in digital transformation, we work closely with you to plan, prepare, and implement integrated technologies to revolutionise the way you work.

Microsoft SharePoint Common Questions

What does SharePoint do?

SharePoint is a collaborative platform that centralises information, enhances collaboration, and automates business processes. It serves various purposes for businesses, including intranet and communication portals, document and policy management, knowledge base, workflow automation, helpdesk, ticketing, and HR solutions. SharePoint is highly customisable and can adapt to meet your business’s unique requirements. Get in touch to find out more about how we can tailor a SharePoint environment to align with your specific business needs.

What are the benefits of using SharePoint for our company's intranet?

SharePoint provides numerous advantages for company intranets, including centralised document storage and collaboration, customisable site designs, integration with other Microsoft 365 tools, robust security features, and seamless mobile access.

How does SharePoint help teams to collaborate?

SharePoint enhances team collaboration with features like co-authoring for simultaneous document editing, version control for tracking changes, and powerful search capabilities for quick information retrieval. It ensures secure file sharing and storage and real-time collaboration, promoting efficiency and teamwork. SharePoint also provides the flexibility to access files anytime, anywhere, and on any device, empowering teams to collaborate effectively regardless of location.

How much does SharePoint cost?

The price of SharePoint varies depending on the features and services your business requires. For more information about pricing, please get in touch.

What is SharePoint Syntex?

SharePoint Syntex is an innovative component of SharePoint that harnesses advanced AI and machine learning capabilities to revolutionise document management processes. It automates the extraction of valuable insights and information from documents, making content management more efficient and effective. SharePoint Syntex can be used to automatically process large volumes of documents, extract relevant information, and apply metadata tags to simplify search, classification, and organisation. It helps streamline document workflows, improve information governance, and empower teams to work more effectively.

Modern Workplace Industry Insights

What is the Microsoft Power Platform?

Microsoft’s Power Platform stands out as a powerful suite of tools designed to enable businesses to innovate and solve business challenges with ease

Navigating the Technology Landscape: Portfolio vs Patchwork Solutions

Choosing the right solutions can be the key to elevating your organisation’s efficiency, productivity, and overall success.

Accelerating Digital Transformation with Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 plays a pivotal role in driving digital transformation by offering a suite of tools designed to empower organisations

Why do I need to back up Microsoft 365?

As the shift to home/flexible working continues, more organisations are taking advantage of cloud-based technology solutions such as Microsoft 365, SharePoint & Teams.

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