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A guide to supplier payment processing in Sage 200

Automates the Way Businesses

Sage 200 automates the way businesses pay suppliers to make the process more convenient. Here at Techsol Group, we’ve come up with a handy guide to make sure the process runs as smoothly as possible so that businesses can make the most of this Sage automation.

Before making supplier payments

Before automatically paying suppliers, Sage advises that businesses carry out the following tasks:

  • Allocate all outstanding payments to invoices
    This will help prevent duplication of payments and overpaying suppliers
  • Delete any suggested payments files
    Suggested payment files can be created multiple times, depending on your needs. If a suggested payments file has been created but not processed, you’ll be asked if you want to delete it first.

Generating the suggested payments file

With Sage 200, your business has control over which invoices are selected for the suggested payments file, which can include:

  • Invoices due up to a specific date
  • Invoices more than a specific number of days overdue
  • Invoices that would allow early settlement discounts if paid

By being stored by Sage 200, you’ll have the ability to review and amend the invoices or go straight to paying your suppliers.

Reviewing, editing, and processing supplier payments

Through the automated process, you can choose to make a payment to an individual supplier or to all suppliers that are linked to a specific payment group. This is your opportunity to review and amend invoices in the file as there may be some instances where the automated process won’t include them, which may be because:

  • The supplier has been placed on hold (the on-hold status should be removed for the invoice to show in the payments file)
  • An invoice is under query or dated after the payment date
  • If payment would exceed the maximum payment allowed

If you have found the above information useful, and would like more information on how to utilise Sage 200 automations to better streamline your business processes, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at Techsol Group. With over 20 years of experience delivering ERP solutions, advice, and support, you can trust us to listen to your challenges and offer guidance on how to overcome them. Please call us on 03300 245 447 or email

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