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Give your business more power, flexibility, and insight


Sage Intacct’s Purchasing module is your gateway to smarter, more efficient procurement processes. This feature-rich tool offers businesses a seamless way to manage the entire procurement lifecycle. From requisition to approval, order creation, and vendor management, it streamlines the purchasing process, driving cost savings and process efficiency.

The module allows you to establish and enforce purchasing policies, control spending, and gain visibility into your vendor relationships. With real-time insights, you can make informed decisions, optimise vendor negotiations, and keep a close eye on budgets. Sage Intacct’s Purchasing module is a versatile solution, perfect for businesses of all sizes, helping you regain control over your procurement activities while maximising cost-effectiveness and compliance.

Key Features of Sage Intacct's Purchasing

Streamlined procurement

Reduce your invoice-to-payment time by 50% and save countless hours of manual data entry. Sage Intacct Purchasing automates your organisation’s workflows to streamline purchase requisitions, purchase orders, and approvals.

Increased visibility

Gain real-time visibility into your entire purchasing process, supporting strategic decision-making. Sage Intacct’s customisable, role-based dashboards enable you to track key metrics with ease.

Robust compliance

Sage Intacct gives you the ability to create approval cycles, standardised processes, and purchasing controls, ensuring the accuracy, integrity, and security of your financial data.

Vendor Relations: Building Stronger Bonds with Sage Intacct

Faster, automated order processing and payment cycles reduce delays and errors. Transparent and visible transactions enable both parties to track order statuses, deliveries, and payments, fostering trust and communication.

By streamlining the entire purchasing process, Sage Intacct strengthens your vendor relationships. The module’s capabilities for invoice automation and approval workflows ensure accurate and timely payments, while accurate financial reporting enhances transparency and understanding.

Harnessing Data for Strategic Procurement Decisions in Sage Intacct

In Sage Intacct’s Purchasing module, the power of data helps you make strategic procurement decisions. The module facilitates a streamlined and automated procurement process, providing real-time insights into order status, deliveries, and payments. Sage Intacct’s comprehensive reporting features enable businesses to identify trends, optimise supplier performance, and make data driven decisions that drive efficiency and cost savings.

The dynamic capabilities of Sage Intacct’s Purchasing module empower organisations to turn data into actionable intelligence, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the procurement function.

The Role of Automation in Streamlining Sage Intacct's Purchasing Process

Seamless integration with other core modules minimises data re-entry and ensures an effortless flow of information throughout your entire system. The drag-and-drop file feature further simplifies recordkeeping and grants instant access to supporting documents, promoting accessibility, and enhancing organisation.

Sage Intacct’s Purchasing module revolutionises procurement through advanced automation. By automating your business’s unique workflows, purchase requisitions, orders, and approvals, the system saves time and significantly reduces manual errors, expediting the entire procurement cycle.

Ready to scale your business?

Designed for scaling businesses, Sage Intacct is industry-leading software that keeps your organisation agile.

To learn more about Sage Intacct and how it can help your business grow, watch the Sage Intacct video or download the brochure below.

Strengthen Purchasing Controls with Sage Intacct

Gain control over your entire procure-to-pay process with Sage Intacct’s Purchasing module. Utilise pre-designed templates aligned with best practices to ensure adherence to your purchasing standards. Employ these templates to establish consistent workflows and approvals for requisitions, quotes, returns, and other processes.

Enhance the system further by customising the templates to align with the unique requirements of your business. Benefit from predefined approval cycles with automated alerts and emails, reinforcing internal controls and strengthening security.

Transitioning to Sage Intacct: Steps and Considerations

Transitioning to Sage Intacct is a strategic move that requires planning and consideration of your specific needs and objectives. With Techsol Group’s expertise, you can navigate the ever-evolving financial landscape with confidence and success.

Sage Intacct Industry Insights

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Interested in finding out more about Sage Intacct?

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