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Dashboards & Reporting

Dashboards & Reporting

Elevate your data analysis with Sage Intacct's Dashboards & Reporting

Dashboards &

Sage Intacct’s dashboards and reporting module is a powerful tool designed to revolutionise how businesses manage their financial data. The ability to customise dashboards without the need for third party integrations, empowers users to create tailored views that showcase critical KPIs and financial metrics in real time, helping accelerate finance team productivity by 40% or more.

Interactive charts and graphs provide intuitive visual representations of financial trends, while comprehensive report generation turns data into insights that drive informed decisions.

Sage Intacct’s multi-dimensional reporting enables you analyse data from various angles, making it a comprehensive solution for modern financial management.

Key Features of Sage Intacct's Dashboards & Reporting

Real-time visibility

Access real-time visibility into your financial data with Sage Intacct’s dashboards. Monitor your company’s performance, access up-to-the-minute financial information, and react to changing conditions as they happen.

Tailored dashboards

Tailor your dashboards to suit your specific needs by adding widgets that display key performance indicators, charts, graphs, and other data visualisations. Customise these widgets to track the metrics that matter most to your business.

Dashboard integrations

Integrate data from various sources into your dashboards, including operational data, external data sources, or even custom data sets – giving you a holistic view of your business’s performance.

Drill down on data

Easily drill down from summary data to transaction-level details. This feature enables you to investigate issues, identify trends, and understand the root causes of financial anomalies.

Volume of Transactional Data / Users

Sage Intacct is designed to accommodate businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, Sage Intacct can handle the volume of transactional data and users you require, without excessive complexity. Its scalability ensures that your financial management system grows with your business.

Authorisation with Sage Intacct

Robust authorisation controls allow you to define access levels for users. Restrict access to sensitive financial data and ensure that only authorised personnel can edit or view specific information, providing you with security and data protection.

Sage Intacct's Stock Management

Integration with the dashboards and reporting module allows you to visualise stock-related data, enabling better inventory control and forecasting.

Track stock levels, analyse stock turnover, and manage reordering efficiently with Sage Intacct’s comprehensive stock management tools.

Financial Period Control with Sage Intacct

With Sage Intacct, you can exercise precise control over your financial periods. Define fiscal calendars and automate period-end closing processes, ensuring compliance with accounting standards and regulatory requirements.

Easily monitor and analyse financial periods, helping you stay on top of your reporting and compliance needs.

Ready to scale your business?

Designed for scaling businesses, Sage Intacct is industry-leading software that keeps your organisation agile.

To learn more about Sage Intacct and how it can help your business grow, watch the Sage Intacct video or download the brochure below.

How Sage Intacct's Real-time Reporting Enhances Business Decision Making

Sage Intacct’s real-time reporting capabilities transform the way businesses make decisions by offering comprehensive access to timely and accurate financial data, allowing finance professionals to stay informed about their company’s financial health at any given moment. Whether it’s monitoring revenue streams, tracking expenses, or assessing cash flow, Sage Intacct’s real-time reporting ensures that the data available is up to date and reflective of the most recent transactions and events.

The ability to customise reports is a game-changer in business decision-making, allowing you to focus on the exact data points crucial for your decision-making processes. Whether you’re interested in sales figures, expense breakdowns, or profitability metrics, you can create reports that provide the insights you need.

Sage Intacct’s real-time reporting empowers decision-makers to proactively respond to emerging trends and potential issues. By staying updated on critical financial metrics in real time, you can spot changes or patterns as they occur. For instance, you can identify shifts in customer behaviour, market conditions, or operational efficiency immediately and take swift action, optimising your response to market dynamics.

Transitioning to Sage Intacct: Steps and Considerations

Sage Intacct’s Dashboards and Reporting module provides a powerful set of tools to help businesses gain real-time insights, streamline financial management, and enhance decision-making processes. With the ability to access up-to-the-minute financial data and customise dashboards and reports, you can make decisions based on current financial information, quickly identify and respond to emerging trends, and measure the impact of financial decisions in real time.

Transitioning to Sage Intacct is a strategic move that requires planning and consideration of your specific needs and objectives. With Techsol Group’s expertise, you can navigate the ever-evolving financial landscape with confidence and success.

Customising Sage Intacct Dashboards For Your Unique Needs

Sage Intacct’s Dashboards and Reporting module provides a powerful set of tools to help businesses gain real-time insights, streamline financial management, and enhance decision-making processes. Access up-to-the-minute financial data and customise dashboards and reports without the need for third party integrations, enabling you to make decisions based on current financial information, quickly identify and respond to emerging trends, and measure the impact of financial decisions in real time.

Transitioning to Sage Intacct is a strategic move that requires planning and consideration of your specific needs and objectives. With Techsol Group’s expertise, you can navigate the ever-evolving financial landscape with confidence and success.

Every business has unique operations, requirements, and goals. Sage Intacct offers a high degree of flexibility and customisation in its dashboard module, allowing you to tailor your dashboards to meet your business’s distinct needs. Here’s how you can customise Sage Intacct dashboards to make them uniquely yours:

Custom Dashboards

Design and organise your dashboard layout to suit your preferences. Arrange widgets, charts, and data visualisations in a way that suits your workflow.


Choose from a wide range of widget options to display the precise data that matters most to your business, from simple KPI displays to more complex charts and graphs.

Dashboard integrations

Integrate data from various sources into your dashboards, including operational data, external data sources, or even custom data sets – giving you a holistic view of your business’s performance.

Role-based customisation

Role-based customisation allows you to create dashboards tailored for specific roles or departments, ensuring that each user is presented with the information most relevant to their responsibilities.


Receive immediate notifications when specific conditions are met, such as exceeding a budget limit or a sudden drop in sales, allowing you to respond swiftly to changing situations.

Historical Data

Track and display historical data, making it easier to identify long-term patterns and performance changes, facilitating your forecasting and strategic decision-making.

Sage Intacct Industry Insights

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