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Project Accounting

Project Accounting

Unify time, expenses, and project-based data into a centralised hub

Elevate Your Project
Financial Management
with Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct’s Project Accounting offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to manage their time, expenses, and project-based data efficiently.

With a focus on automation, productivity, and customisation, this module enhances project capabilities and provides valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Key Features and Benefits of Sage Intacct’s Project Accounting

Centralised data

Centralised data

View all time, expenses, and project data in one place, eliminating tedious data searches and offering immediate access to comprehensive project information.


Automation makes project processes effortless. Reduce manual tasks and boost efficiency, making project management straightforward.
profit margin

Enhanced profit margins

Make smarter project bids with real-time, precise data. Gain a strategic edge with comprehensive financial insights that fuel informed decision-making, elevating your profit margins.


Effortlessly track expenses, identify unbilled costs, and run projects tailored to specific client requirements, enhancing project flexibility and client satisfaction.

Streamlining Project Costs and Revenue Management with Sage Intacct

Sage Intacct’s Project Accounting module transforms project cost and revenue management through its comprehensive set of features.

By unifying time, expenses, and project-based data in a centralised hub, the module eliminates data silos and time-consuming data searches, fostering seamless collaboration and real-time visibility into project financials.

Optimise efficiency by automating project management, time-tracking, costing and resource management, project billing, and revenue recognition. Customisable automation tools ensure that project workflows are not only streamlined but also tailored to your business’s specific processes, reducing manual intervention.

Resource optimisation is a key strength, allowing you to identify and allocate resources based on skills, availability, and cost-effectiveness. Gain visibility over your team’s availability and efficiency as well as the most profitable project types and client types, enabling strategic resource allocation.

The module’s project-specific customisation further ensures a seamless alignment with individual project intricacies, contributing to precise cost tracking and revenue forecasting.

Ready to scale your business?

Designed for scaling businesses, Sage Intacct is industry-leading software that keeps your organisation agile.

To learn more about Sage Intacct and how it can help your business grow, watch the Sage Intacct video or download the brochure below.

Real-time Financial Visibility

Enhance your project visibility further with Sage Intacct’s real-time reports and dashboards. Beyond offering real-time insights into project statuses, costs, and revenue, you can elevate your analysis by building custom reports.

This customisation allows you to delve into specific dimensions such as project type, client, employee, or task, providing a nuanced perspective on your projects. Gain a more granular understanding of your financial landscape, empowering you to make even more strategic and data-driven decisions.

Implementing Sage Intacct for Project Accounting

Sage Intacct’s Project Accounting module is a transformative tool that centralises, customises, and optimises project financial management for businesses aiming for operational excellence.

Elevate your financial management with Sage Intacct’s additional modules. Create a curated toolkit that expands your financial system’s capabilities, with the ability to add modules as your business grows and evolves. Sage Intacct paves the way for comprehensive insights, strategic decision-making, and seamless scalability.

With Techsol Group’s expertise, you can navigate the ever-evolving financial landscape with confidence and success.

Sage Intacct Industry Insights

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Interested in finding out more about Sage Intacct?

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