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Upcoming Changes to your Sage 200 Product

Every few months Sage releases updates for Sage 200 Standard and Professional.

Latest Update

In February 2024 Sage released version 2024 R1 for Sage 200.

These upgrades are focused on further strengthening the core accounting functionally in Sage 200. You can find out more about these releases by reading their What’s New Datasheets here:

Sage 200

Currently supported versions:

  • Sage 200 2024 R1
  • Sage 200 2023 R2
  • Sage 200 2023 R1

Extended supported versions:

  • Sage 200 2022 R2
  • Sage 200 2022 R1

Recent end of life versions:

  • Sage 200 2021 R1
  • Sage 200 2020 R2
  • Sage 200 2020 R1
  • Sage 200 Summer 2019
  • Sage 200 Spring 2019
Item Type of release Release date Extended support End of support Action Required
2024 R1 Major February 2024 January 2026 August 2027 No action required
2023 R2 Major September 2023 January 2025 August 2026 No action required
2023 R1 Major February 2023 January 2025 February 2026 No action required
2022 R2 Minor August 2022 January 2024 August 2025 Consider upgrading
2022 R1 Major February 2022 January 2023 February 2025 Consider upgrading
2021 R1 Major July 2021 January 2022 February 2024 Upgrade recommended
2020 R2 Minor December 2020 January 2022 August 2023 Upgrade recommended
2020 R1 Major March 2020 January 2022 February 2023 Upgrade recommended
Summer 2019 Major September 2019 August 2021 February 2023 Upgrade recommended
Spring 2019 Minor May 2019 August 2021 February 2023 Upgrade recommended
Winter 2018 Minor February 2019 August 2021 February 2023 Upgrade recommended
Summer 2018 (Remastered) Major March 2020 August 2021 February 2023 Upgrade recommended
Summer 2018 Major September 2019 August 2021 February 2023 Upgrade recommended

Ready to upgrade?

Each new update contains dozens of new and improved features that help simplify your business processes and increase efficiency. If you are looking to upgrade to the latest version of Sage 200 then get in touch and book a free demo with our Sage 200 experts.

What does this mean for me?

If your current version of Sage 200 is in ‘extended support’ status it means that Sage has withdrawn their support, updates, and upgrades for this version of Sage 200.

Although no longer supported version of Sage 200 won’t be supported after the February 2024 deadline, the system will continue working and the Techsol Group team will continue to support you on a day-to-day basis.

That said, it is important that you start to consider upgrading to the latest version of Sage 200 as soon as is practical.

By not upgrading to a supported version of Sage 200 you will be limited on what you can do going forward, should you need to add additional users or purchase extra modules you will be unable to do so until you have upgraded.

What do I need to do?

If your version of Sage 200 will no longer be supported by Sage, it is important that you look at Sage 200 upgrade options as soon as possible. It is also important to consider any implications around the recent Microsoft retirement of the TLS1 protocol.

When considering your upgrade options, you can check out Sage’s online guide to view the features and functionality that you benefit from by upgrading to the latest version of Sage 200.

If you are unsure which version you are using, you can click on the Settings button at the top right of your screen and select About Sage 200, or contact our team who will be more than happy to help.

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