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Is Sage Pay a payment system I should consider for an E-commerce Website

Having an e-commerce website is a great way to boost your organisation’s revenue, but before you start making sales online, you’ll need to select an online payment gateway for your website and ensure it’s the right one for your business. There are a number of payment providers, such as Sage Pay to choose from but it’s important to consider the following questions before making your decision.

  • Will this payment system make it easy for my customers to pay me?
  • Does this payment provider have a good reputation for security and reliability?
  • Is this payment system reasonably cheap to use and straightforward to set up?
  • Will this payment provider grow as my business does?
  • Is the interface for managing payments and refunds easy to use?

Is Sage Pay the go-to payment gateway provider?

Naturally, there are many options to choose from in the market. At Techsol Group, we are extremely well-versed in the selection and implementation of the online payment system Sage Pay. Sage Pay is a part of the Sage 50cloud Solutions and we have worked with numerous e-commerce websites and integrated Sage Pay.

Sage Pay is an established and well-known payment provider that caters to over 50,000 customers across Europe. Sage Pay has an interface that could not be more straightforward – it’s simply a case of entering your details and clicking ‘Proceed’. A payment gateway should dovetail with your business model, security features and banking arrangements and that is exactly what Sage Pay does.

Features and integrations worth noting

Tokenised payments for simpler transactions: The system also has tokenisation abilities to allow your customers to save their details, should they wish and skip that step on their return. This can be particularly useful when collecting full payment after an initial deposit has been paid or for customers who make regular payments. This is optional which gives your customers the choice.

Advanced fraud screening: They have a variety of fraud prevention measures and tools integrated within their system to ensure that all payments and details are completely protected. Unlike most providers, there is no additional charge for having preventative measures in place and their reputation exceeds most providers for those very reasons, allowing your customers to complete their transaction with peace of mind. The interface for managing the actual payments and refunds are very simple to use as it is incredibly intuitive and comprehensive.

A range of pricing models: Sage Pay’s e-commerce system is one of the most cost-effective on the market and it really isn’t a matter of one price for everyone. Bespoke pricing is available depending on the size of your business and how many transactions are needed.

Simplified PCI compliance: Having customer card details collected off-site within branded payment pages hosted by Sage Pay shifts much of the risk over to the provider. This is definitely a factor that is reassuring if you are considering them as a payment gateway, as they maintain the highest level of compliance – PCI DSS level 1.

The final say

Your customers will feel confident in sending their payment details to a name they recognise. This is especially important when it comes to personal information, sensitive data and bank details – your customers will be far more likely to purchase from you if your e-commerce website uses a well-known payment system like Sage Pay to process their transaction. If you wish to discuss how Sage Pay can benefit your organisation, get in touch today.

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