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How does an Epos solution enhance customer experience at tourist attractions?

Digital Revolution

With the digital revolution taking the retail industry by storm, it’s good to be aware of how emerging technologies are moulding the retail business industry and the effect that is has on retail Epos solutions, both in-store and online for a better customer experience.

In today’s modern retail environment, business decisions can be made based on real time customer data to help in enhancing customer experience and business operations, making retail Epos solutions a bridge between organisations and their customers. The Epos industry has changed dramatically in the past few years and still, new technologies are emerging. If we take a look at the current pandemic and how Covid-19 has changed the way in which the retail industry operates in a matter of weeks and months, it is essential to work with a retail Epos solutions that can adapt when your business needs it too.

In this latest blog, we have highlighted a few Epos trends that you should look out for.

Increment in Mobile Payments

The digital push brings a lot of change in regard to the ways that consumers can make payments. With the recent increase in preference for contactless payments due to the pandemic, less people are wanting to pay or receive payments in cash. Increasingly, consumers are reluctant to carry any cash on them at all, so many new businesses are encouraging the use of digital wallets, enabling customers to pay from their smartphone and other types of contactless payments. This means payments are safe and effective whilst still creating an engaging and customised shopping experience. Our modern and integrated retail Epos solutions give our customers the ability to provide enhanced customer loyalty schemes and flexible secure payment options including Apple / Android Pay, Contactless, Chip & Pin and gift card / loyalty schemes.

Retail Epos solutions and the usage of data

Technological advances are not the only thing that has pushed the retail industry to change, demand did too. The recent pandemic caused many day-to-day items, to be bought in bulk, and left may retailers struggling to replenish these items. For your business to remain competitive, you need to be able to rely on accurate up to date information on not only your stock levels but your customer buying patterns, to enable you to make more informed decisions based on the data and analytics you have access to. This will put your business in a better position to understand what’s going on in-store, in your stock room and make decisions based upon that.

Sage retail Epos solutions can measure data accurately, allowing you to use analytics at each stage of the retail store process to identify trends and anticipate demand for items.

Seamless integration with your Back office accounts

To know what is happening in your retail stores, you need your transactions and sales data to be accessible quickly from any device, regardless of where you are. The biggest advantage of using a modern ePOS solution is that you can access your data at any time.

Our Retail Epos solutions enable you to extract pricing, product details, stock levels and sales ledger information directly from either Sage 50cloud or Sage 200 and synchronises them with the tills. This integration makes working with multiple stores easier as data can be accessed in just a matter of minutes.

Personalised In-store customer experience

The rise in technology is allowing retailers to give their consumers a more personalised customer experience. Enhancing customer experience can help increase customer loyalty and brand advocacy. However, in order to improve a customer’s experience, you need to know them first. Modern retail Epos solutions can store data on your customers previous buying patterns, allowing you to customise and provide promotional offers based on how your customers have interacted with you previously.

As the demand for a more personalised experience from customers is rising, you need a retail epos solution that can follow your customers shopping behaviours and engage with them to create a better shopping experience.

Integrate your Retail Epos solutions seamlessly

When implemented effectively, a modern retail ePoS solution can help to increase sales and customer retention. It can improve account management and cash flow, and reduce administrative burden.

Using modern touch technology, our retail ePoS solutions are intuitive, simple to customise and easy to use. From a user perspective our ePoS solutions provide full support for secure integrated payment processing devises, hotkey quick sale functionality and live product lookups. If you want more information on how these can be integrated into your business, contact Micross Logic today.

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